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How to build Android 5.1 for x86_64

May 142016

Dear Visitor,

This post is intended to sum up basic steps to produce own bootable image for Android 5.1 on x86_64 system.

$ mkdir android-x86
$ cd android-x86
$ repo init -u git:// -b lollipop-x86
$ repo sync -c

In the end of synchronization you would have Android tree with all necessary packages needed to build Android 5.1.

To prepare build environment you would need to do:

. build/

Now if you want to construct bootable iso image you would need to run:

make -j4 iso_img TARGET_PRODUCT=android_x86_64

-j4 could be replaced with relevant number of CPUs on your system.

Best regards,



Android Network 5+ vs 4+

May 142016

Dear Visitor,

By this post we are starting new company blog regarding Android OS specific tricks.

The first theme is related to network configuration.

Android 4+ static network configuration

First of all set the IP for device and GW:

ifconfig DEV [IP] netmask [NETMASK]
route add default gw [GATEWAY] dev DEV

Next DNS settings:

setprop net.eth0.dns1
setprop net.eth0.dns2

Android 5+ specifics

To be able to reach any external network resource you would need:

ip rule add from all lookup main

 Best regards,



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